Long-awaited comparison validator comes to Rails 7
When dealing with dates, it’s a common practice to compare them to other dates. Take for example a Booking class. A Booking normally has a check-in date and a check-out date. In most cases, when creating a booking, both dates must be in the future. And always, the check-out date must be greater than the check-in date. Otherwise, bookings wouldn’t make sense.
Before Rails 7, these validations didn’t exist and we would have to write a custom validation method, like this:
class Booking < ApplicationRecord
validates :check_in, presence: true
validates :check_out, presence: true
validate :check_out_is_greater_than_check_in
def check_out_is_greater_than_check_in
unless check_out.after? check_in
errors.add :check_out, "can't be before the check in date"
Rails 7 introduced the ComparisonValidator to ActiveModel, which simplifies our job greatly. Now, we could do this instead:
class Booking < ApplicationRecord
validates :check_in, presence: true, comparison: {greater_than: Date.today}
validates :check_out, presence: true, comparison: {greater_than: :check_in}
Today I learned this and I wish this was available a couple of years ago, when the team and I were working on a suite of hospitality apps. Thanks, Ruby on Rails, for existing!